Feminism and Plastic Surgery

Can feminism and  plastic surgery  really mix? That's a question that's on so many people's minds, for the simple fact that ...

Can feminism and plastic surgery really mix? That's a question that's on so many people's minds, for the simple fact that all natural beauty is highly regarded as being more feminine. The biggest reason as to why someone would be reluctant to get plastic surgery is due to the fear that they might lose some of that natural femininity.

In actuality, there's no reason to worry. As long as the customer is working with a trusted doctor of their choice, whichever they might choose to do with their cosmetic choices is sure to come out the way they have planned. Femininity can still be attributed to plastic surgery, since it has the highest possibility of success, as far as what the patient is most hoping for.

For example, if a patient were interested in having plastic surgery purely out of choice, and not from a glaring medical reason, then the surgery would more than likely go over without a hitch due to the doctor having a clean slate to work with. Still, in the unfortunate circumstance that plastic surgery is requested due to (for example) scarring, burns, or a genetic difference, then a sense of feminism could still be achieved if the customer so wills it.

Aging is one of the main reasons that so many women turn to cosmetic surgery, other than it just being a personal preference or current fad. With aging women, many feel that without cosmetic surgery, they can actually appear less feminine. One such example is a woman getting plastic surgery done on her neck, due to a sagging brought on by age alone. Afterwards, she might feel younger, fresher, and more feminine due to the small alteration of the drooping neck skin. Another example is plastic surgery done around the eyes, in order to help rid someone of crow’s feet or even introducing collagen injections into the face to make it appear more plump and vibrant.

These are just some of the examples as to why women would turn to cosmetic surgery in order to create more of a feminist appeal. For so many women, finding certain things about themselves that they are uncomfortable with can actually help boost their confidence in themselves, since they will feel more apt to show themselves that would otherwise be shielded, due to shame or irritation.

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