Price List Published in Bitcoins for Cosmetic Surgery in Miami

Miami, FL - Nov 14 - Following their groundbreaking announcement of their Bitcoin addition, Eres Plastic Surgery publishes their procedure ...

Miami, FL - Nov 14 - Following their groundbreaking announcement of their Bitcoin addition, Eres Plastic Surgery publishes their procedure prices in Bitcoins. Patrons can now see Eres’s amazing low prices, in Bitcoin for Cosmetic Surgery, at Eres’s website as well as other important currencies.

With their dynamic internet chart, patients from all over the world may see how much a breast implant, a nose job or Liposuction would costs with Bitcoins. For example: Tummy Tuck costs BTC 5.90, Liposuction BTC 0,68/area, Breast Augmentation BTC 7.96, Brazilian Butt Lift BTC 8.83 and TUBA sell for BTC 7.94. Via this service, Eres wants to improve their customer service and expand their payment options. You can see the complete price list at

Eres Plastic Surgery has the largest cosmetic facility in Florida. Their convenient 15,000 square feet facilities can be found in Miami. Their amazing clinics specialize in TUBA surgery (Trans-umbilical breast augmentation), Tummy Tuck and Mommy Makeover, Breast Implants and Liposuction. On top of this announcement and to offer an even better service for their international visitor, they recently unveiled their unique complete recovery program called “Home Away” for patients who live outside Miami or outside the US. It promises to revolutionize out of patient health care which can also pay with Bitcoin for Cosmetic Surgery.

Their convenient service includes transport, accommodation, post treatment therapy and nutrition under the watchful eye of the clinic’s nurses and doctors. Via their professional aid, patients can blissfully recover from their operation, without worrying. This amassing recovery package too can be paid with Bitcoins. To learn more about this new service please visit

About Eres Plastic Surgery:

Eres Plastic Surgery specializes in TUBA (Trans-umbilical breast augmentation), liposuction, butt-lift and breast reduction. They additionally perform the most TUBA in the USA making them an authority in this procedure.


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