Tummy Tuck and Skiing; how will it affect my performance?

Miami, FL - Nov 10  - You have just undergone  abdominoplasty , or a  Tummy Tuck , and you are wondering when you’ll be able to hit the ...

Miami, FL - Nov 10 - You have just undergone abdominoplasty, or a Tummy Tuck, and you are wondering when you’ll be able to hit the slopes again. Abdominoplasty, as almost all surgical procedures, require time to recuperate afterward. This time can depend upon many factors including which type of procedure was performed, was it accompanied by another procedure such as a liposuction, your age and general level of health , how well you are following the physician’s advice for recuperation and even whether or not you are a cigarette smoker.

Most physicians recommend that you not engage in sports or other strenuous activities for at least six weeks following your surgery. This time might be slightly shorter if the procedure performed was only a Mini-Tummy Tuck compared with the Traditional Tummy Tuck. To get back on to the slopes as quickly as advisable, it is best to closely follow your surgeon’s instructions. Failures to properly take care of the healing wounds could lead to complications. Extended periods of tissue swelling can extend the time it takes to recover. Infections can also extend to the time it takes you to heal well enough to engage in a sport such as skiing which places significant strains on the abdomen.
Every patient is different and will react differently to the procedure, therefore it is recommended that you consult your doctor concerning whether or not you are physically able to return to the powder. Once cleared to return to skiing, you should expect your abdominal region to be more sore than usual and to experience twinges and tugs. Some regions may tingle and become sensitive. You can expect these symptoms to continue for several months while your skin is adapting to the new muscle structure. There may be some numbness for up to eighteen months. These are annoying but minor, they may, however, limit your mobility as you ski. As with all recoveries doctors recommend taking it easy and don’t push yourself too hard. Take your time, the slopes will wait.


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