Plastic Surgery Junkie or Nazi Freak: Is this desperate cry for attention?

Plastic Surgery Junky: Tila Tequila's latest Boob Implants Show Off Tila Tequila manages to stay in the spotlight, and before we c...

Plastic Surgery Junky: Tila Tequila's latest Boob Implants Show Off

Tila Tequila manages to stay in the spotlight, and before we can discuss and debate one dramatic act or adventure from her life, she is off to another. Back in the spotlight concerning her new Nazi attire, philosophies and unusual theories, Tila Tequila is hot in the newsfeeds this week. There is much controversy about Tila’s new “Hitler persona”, as well as many other new proclamations she is very open about sharing in the social media circles—debates are running rampant concerning her odd behavior, but one thing most people can agree on, she does look different. It is obvious to most she has been no stranger to the knife, but what celebrity hasn’t; the real concern is how much is too much. Tila’s obvious first breast augmentation was admired and respected. The more recent work has brought about mixed reviews. There have been observations and rumors regarding Tila Tequila having previously had a nose job and Botox. For the Hollywood starlets and reality celebs, plastic surgery is much more common and begins at a much earlier age than for the average person. In all fairness, if you are in the business and are going to have unforgiving close-ups, as well be scrutinized on a daily basis by the media and public, wouldn’t you invest in a little work to fix minor imperfections? Again, the most common answer to whether plastic surgery is good or bad falls back to how much is too much. There are many beautiful women who have found that balance between maintaining their natural beauty with a little help for problem areas with plastic surgery. If you can afford it, most feel it is the ideal mix to find the perfect beauty. Tila’s obvious first

 Asian women, by many are considered to be the most beautiful women in the world, and they are known for taking forever to age. So why would a young beautiful Asian celebrity turn possibly to several enhancements? Maybe because Asian woman are held to such a high standard of beauty they reach for what will bring perfection. Again, plastic surgery can be a good thing, even a much needed thing, but when is it too much of a good thing? Could the pressure and demands    of being in the limelight have anything to do with it? And the other recent antics, with the Nazi clothes and shocking public statements, could it be a cry for attention? A plea for help? Or maybe someone beginning to crack and break from the pressure of the limelight. Maybe she is just turning from one thing to another, looking for love and acceptance from a sometimes cruel world. Only Tila knows, and then again, maybe she doesn’t. But who are we to judge? Isn’t that what we are all looking for, love and acceptance? Maybe it’s time we all be a little more understanding and respecting of one another. Even to the Tila Tequila’s of the world.

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