When Enough is Enough?

Over the years,  plastic surgery has become more and more popular . Some procedures are so simple these days that they can be performed ...

Over the years, plastic surgery has become more and more popular. Some procedures are so simple these days that they can be performed during a person's lunch break. What patients and doctors alike need to ask themselves is, “ how much is too much”. 

Many doctors say that it is not uncommon for a person to want more than one procedure either by having multiple procedures during one visit or over numerous visits. It is important however, for doctors to recognize when a patient is going too far. 

When a patient goes in for a consultation with a plastic surgeon, the doctor will ask the patient why they want to have the procedure done. This question can sometimes tell a doctor if a patient has a problem. When they explain what they want, there expectations may be too high. They may have a distorted view as to how much can actually be done. A doctor can only do so much. If a patient has unrealistic idea about their surgery, it is up to the doctor to explain to the patient that they are asking too much. 

Another problem that a patient may have is body dysmorphic disorder. This is a disorder where a person has a distorted view of what they look like. A woman may think that she is overweight and no matter how much weight she loses, she will still look in the mirror and see herself as fat. It is the responsibility of the plastic surgeon to pick up on disorders such as this before they schedule the surgery. 

What does a doctor do when he has performed a few surgeries on a patient and the patient still wants more. Most doctors will refuse to do the surgeries and refer the patient to a therapist. When a patient is really obsessive, it can be a problem for the doctor. The obsessed patient may begin calling and asking every day to be put on the surgery schedule. They will hope that eventually the surgeon will get fed up and agree to perform the surgery. Eventually, an obsessed patient will find a doctor who will perform the surgery even though it is not in their best interest. 

One very common procedure that surgery obsessed patients have done is breast augmentation. Once an obsessed patient goes up a cup size, it will not be enough. She will want to go higher and higher in cup size. This can lead to serious back problems if a patient goes up too high. 

The latest thing in plastic surgery is butt augmentation Miami. Many women want to have the big butt look like that of Kim Kardashian. While Kardashian has proved on her reality show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, she does not have buttimplants. She had an x-ray done on the show to prove that she is all natural. This has not changed a woman's desire however, to have their rear end enlarged. While years ago women were having liposuction to get rid of their backsides, women now are having implants to make them look bigger. The problem with the Brazilian butt lift is that some women can't get enough. After having a small implant put in, the obsessed patient does not think that her butt is big enough. A woman will go back many times and her butt will not be quite big enough for her liking. There have been cases where women have quadrupled the size of their back ends and it is still not enough. This is when it becomes a problem. The unfortunate thing for these women is that there is always a doctor somewhere that will continue to do the implants.
Another problem that has arisen is when it comes to butt implants is women getting them done illegally. People who are not licensed physicians are implanting these people's rear ends with silicone, or what they are telling the patient is silicone. In recent years, there have been a few deaths because of these procedures. 

 Plastic surgery is not a bad thing. It can enhance a person's self-esteem a great deal if they have the surgeries responsibly. If a person takes plastic surgery too far, they could live to regret it for the rest of their lives.

By Photo from www.lukeford.net [CC-BY-SA-2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5)], via Wikimedia Commons


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