Terrified That You’re Losing Your Hair?
Like all good things like youth and health, most of us take a full head of hair for granted; that is, until it is gone. Do you feel as t...

Like all good things
like youth and health, most of us take a full head of hair for granted; that
is, until it is gone. Do you feel as though you have no option to remedy your
loss of hair? There are a lot of reasons for which you may be experiencing hair
loss. The most common cause for loss of hair is a hereditary condition called
‘male-pattern baldness’ or ‘female-pattern baldness’. This normally occurs
progressively and in foreseeable patterns. Amongst the causes for hair loss,
there are a few that are also common such as: Physical stress, pregnancy, an
excessive dosage of Vitamin A, and lack of protein. A distinguishable sign of
hair loss could be receding hairline and bald spots in regards to men and the
thinning of hair in women. Do you feel a rift in your confidence? Are you
always wearing hats or putting for a large amount of effort to cover your head?
Do something about it! There is a procedure for Hair Transplant that is
extremely effective! This procedure for hair transplant surgery consists of removing a slim strip of scalp that contains
hair from the back of the head and using it to fill in an area with little or
no hair. If you’re wondering what happens after surgery, I’m here to tell you
that within just two to three weeks post-surgery, the transplanted hair will
fall out… But don’t fret! You should being to notice new growth within just a
few months. Most individuals who have undergone this procedure for hair
transplant will have attained a whopping 60% of new hair growth after
approximately six to nine months. There are some qualified cosmetic surgeons
that prescribe the hair growth treatment, minoxidil; (commonly known as “Rogaine”)
to improve hair growth following the procedure for hair transplant, but it is
actually thoroughly studied in regards to how effective this drug is.
Nonetheless, hair transplantation can considerably improve your appearance and
self-confidence! Most patients who have gone through with the procedure for
hair transplant say they feel as though they’ve removed a ton of weight from
their backs and feel most comfortable showing off their full head of hair. If
you suffer from hair loss, don’t you want to feel that same confidence these
patients feel post-operation? According to the many patients who have undergone
this surgery, 85% say the procedure for hair transplant, is certainly well
worth it.