10 tips to get back in shape after Brazilian Butt Lift surgery

After going through Brazilian Butt Lift surgery it will take at least 6 weeks for the fat to start working naturally within your body. O...

After going through Brazilian Butt Lift surgery it will take at least 6 weeks for the fat to start working naturally within your body. Once that's complete you can go back to a regular workout routine. You may be nervous to workout after surgery, because you don't want to lose weight in your butt. However, the butt stores more fat than other areas of your body, making it the hardest part to lose weight in. To continue to have the butt you desire here are 10 tips to continue to tone it and stay healthy.

1. Stairmaster Warmup
To warm up your body workout your legs on the stairmaster for at least 15 minutes before beginning any weightlifting or strenuous exercises.

2. Plie
Spread your legs apart, turn your feet out and bend your knees over your toes. If that isn't working make your stance smaller. Take your arms with palms down and put them out in front of you. Hold this position for 5 seconds then return to standing. Do this 20 times before finishing.

3. Cross-over Lunge
Step your foot across your body with your hips facing forward and bend your knee then come up to standing and do the other side. This will work your inside and outside thighs. Do 10 reps to complete the set.

4. Deadlifts
Choose a long weight that suits your lifting abilities. Stand with your feet together and bend your knees with the weight in your hands moving it down your body. It is crucial to do this with a flat back or else you will strain it. Do 10 reps to start.

5. Leg Lifts 1
Lay down on a mat with your legs to the side. Support your weight with your hand and lift your leg. Weights can be used to make the resistance harder. You will feel the burn in your butt and upper thighs.

6. Leg Lifts 2
Sit on all fours and lift one leg completely straight, lightly touch the ground with your toe and lift it back up 10 times and switch legs.

7. Dips with Weights
Take a 10 lb. weight across your hips, put your shoulders on top of an exercise bench, put your legs in table top position then dip your butt down and up 10 times.

8. Chair Squat
Put your hands above your head, palms facing in. Next with legs shoulder width apart bend your knees till your butt hits the chair then stand back up. The burn will be felt on the upper thighs.

9. Lateral Lunge Side Kick
Take 5-10lb. dumbbells and keep them close to your body. Then kick your right leg out to the side in a 90-degree angle, flexed. Do the same on the other side and continue till you've completed 10 reps.

10. Step Up

Use 5lb. weights and hold them on your sides. Next, step up onto a bench with both feet and then back down. After 20 reps you will be rest-assured that you have the best butt in the gym!


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