Big splash with Cosmetic Surgery and Bitcoin
A plastic surgery clinic in Florida has become the first ever to accept Bitcoin as a viable payment method. Bitcoin is a kind of digita...
A plastic surgery clinic
in Florida has become the first ever to accept Bitcoin as a viable payment
method. Bitcoin is a kind of digital currency. You put money into the account
and can send it to anyone else with such an account. This currency transaction
method was meant to be a person to person money transfer system and has been
used by many people to send money to friends and relatives with ease. It was
not recognized by any other clinic in the world as an acceptable method of
payment until one plastic surgery clinic, Eres Plastic Surgery, based out of Miami Florida
recently decided to allow it. They say it was because they are always looking
for new ways to expand on the internet and this seemed like a feasible way to
accomplish that goal. They also believe that since everyone has gone digital
they have the opportunity to use this to get patients from all over the world
to utilize their services. They are hoping that this will drastically increase
their customer base and give them an edge on the net.
Most people have never
even heard of Bitcoin as it seems to be used rarely but enough recently for
people to start asking to use it to pay for medical bills. While in some areas
it is unknown completely, and in others it has dramatically decreased in use,
in Miami it seems to be a
common payment method for person to person debts and transactions. There are a
few businesses that will accept it but never before has a medical facility done
so. For whatever reason most businesses and all medical facilities refused to
even entertain the idea of taking Bitcoin as payment, but maybe now more
businesses in Miami will begin to allow it and the trend might spread.