Obama Care and Cosmetic Surgeries

ObamaCare is here and it will have an effect on the medical coverage of millions of people considering cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery i...

ObamaCare is here and it will have an effect on the medical coverage of millions of people considering cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is often seen as a choice, not a necessity. Many think because it's often not covered by insurance it should not be affected by ObamaCare. Wrong. Therefore been already calls by some people to add a 10% 'Botox' on cosmetic surgery. While dermatologists were able to get the tax blocked, ObamaCare is sure to be some impact on people who are seeking cosmetic surgery.

An excise tax on the devices used in cosmetic surgery eventually passed. That means one impact ObamaCare. Many people who need reconstructive surgery after fighting cancer or having major surgery which leaves them unable to do for themselves may find many of these procedures reclassified as cosmetic surgery and not covered under Medicaid or Medicare or a lot more expensive.
ObamaCare will have on people seeking cosmetic surgery is saddle them with higher prices. For seniors for whom plastic surgery is a medical necessity, getting Medicare to pay for it can be a bureaucratic nightmare under

ObamaCare may also lead to less access to reconstructive plastic surgeons. Reconstructive plastic surgery is ObamaCare could impact cancer patients who need breast reconstruction or types of reconstructive surgery. The new restrictions will raise prices and force many doctors out of the industry. This could leave many sick and disfigured people scrambling to find competent surgeons they can afford who can help them heal.
covered under many insurance plans.

Overall ObamaCare can have a chilling effect on the cosmetic surgery industry. Prices will rise. Many types of reconstructive surgeries that had been covered will now be labeled experimental, cosmetic or elective and will not be covered by your insurance under ObamaCare. Many type of reconstructive surgeries deemed to only provide minimal cosmetic improvement for too high a cost will also not be covered. The coverage for products like Acellular Dermal Matrix, which has revolutionized breast reconstruction, may be restricted due to cost. So yes, ObamaCare will severely impact cosmetic surgery.


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