Rhinoplasty: Making Ugly Singers into Hot Pop Divas

Miami, FL - Nov 8 -  Rhinoplasty , or what is known as in layman's terms as a "nose job", has always been a popular form o...

Miami, FL - Nov 8 - Rhinoplasty, or what is known as in layman's terms as a "nose job", has always been a popular form of plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty can drastically transform a face, taking someone from ugly to beautiful in just one procedure. Since the nose is in the center of the face, people are usually drawn to it first when meeting a person. It can make a face look cute, ugly, young or old. The ideal nose, as directed by popular culture, is small and slightly upturned. Common complaints are: too large of nostrils, a bulbous tip, a hooked nose, a bump in the bridge of the nose, or too wide of a nose bridge (http://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/nose-surgery-.html). All of these issues can be easily corrected through Cosmetic Surgery.

In the singing profession, a beautiful voice is the most important factor. Close behind however, are stage presences and of course, good looks. In this media age, image is everything. A singer is no longer only heard on the radio. Concerts, TV appearances, award shows and interviews necessitate that a singer must possess good looks as well as vocal talent. An ugly singer can diet and work out to obtain the ideal physique, but when it comes to the face, plastic surgery is sometimes necessary. There is tremendous pressure on female artists in particular to maintain good looks. An ugly singer could have the loveliest voice around, but she will never be a pop diva until she is beautiful. Sometimes a rhinoplasty is all it takes to transform a homely singer into a hot pop star.

In this day and age, recovery time for a procedure such as rhinoplasty is minimal. Unlike procedures done on the body, a facial procedure allows the patient to move around and go about their daily activities fairly quickly following the surgery (http://www.enhancemyself.com/rhinoplasty/). Since rhinoplasty has been around for so long, it is easy to find a plastic surgeon who is an expert in this area. A singer who wishes to have rhinoplasty to enhance facial beauty is encouraged to bring the surgeon a photo of a nose that they would like to emulate. Depending on the singer's original nose, the surgeon will work to replicate the photo as closely as possible, giving the singer not only a more attractive face, but also added self-esteem.


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