Recover from your rhinoplasty as fast as possible!
It is undoubtedly true that getting surgery is a pretty nerve wracking experience. While some may feel more comfortable and confident going...
It is undoubtedly true
that getting surgery is a pretty nerve wracking experience. While some may feel
more comfortable and confident going into the operation room, others may still
feel anxious and afraid. For most, recovery is the scariest part. But let me
put your mind at ease for second and just say that everyone gets through the
recovery process regardless if they are afraid or not! But to make your
recovery fast and healthy, there are certain measures you should take after your rhinoplasty to make sure you are up and running as soon as your doctor
gives you the ‘OK’.
Healthy Individuals have
a healthier recovery
First and foremost,
being healthy is essential before going into any type of cosmetic procedure,
including a rhinoplasty. Patients that are healthy before surgery typically
have a smooth and fast recovery. But what exactly would we consider healthy?
Non-smokers for starters, are the best candidates for a good recovery. Being in
your ideal weight range and living an active lifestyle will also help your recovery
go well. It is likely that your doctor will run blood tests, be sure to get all
blood tests done so that your doctor is certain you are healthy enough to go
into surgery.
Positive Mind and
Just like almost
anything else in life, it is important that you go into this journey with a
positive mindset. Most may not be aware, but studies show that have a positive
attitude and staying calm can actually enhance your healing process. Believe it
or not, sometimes negativity and stress can delay the healing process of the
body. Being positive is essential!
Avoid certain
Before and after your
rhinoplasty, it is important to avoid any type of blood thinner. These blood
thinners usually include aspirin, motrin, herbal treatment, vitamin E and several
others. Your doctor will provide you with an exact list of all medicines to
avoid. You want your blood to clot in the right areas so that all incisions can
heal quickly.
Skip on exercising for a
Exercising is great, but
after your rhinoplasty, all strenuous exercises should be avoided! You don’t
want to delay your healing process by causing nasal damage. Let your doctor
give you the ‘OK’ to exercise when he believes you are ready. But for now, take
it easy and relax. You’ll back to your normal exercise routine before you know